Saturday 17 December 2011

Making the Resolution

Hey all, this is my new blog. Just a quick introduction post to explain what it’s about and why I’m doing it. I thought of a great New Year’s Resolution this year and I’ve created this blog for two reasons; firstly, in order to keep track of my progress in doing it, and secondly (more importantly), so that my friends can keep track of my progress and, when necessary, bug the ever living fuck out of me if it looks like I’m giving up or neglecting it at all. Seriously guys, I want you all to make it so the only way I can get any peace and quiet is by severing my internet connection with an axe and climbing up into the mountains to live a life as a Hermit.

My resolution is this; “Write one story per week, every week of the year.”

I’ve always wanted to write for a living. I love writing, I think I’m pretty good at it, and it’s the closest thing to a practical skill I have. The only problem is, I’ve never had the will to keep up with writing anything I’ve started. I honestly can’t remember ever finishing anything I’ve started writing that wasn’t a piece of course work. I’m hoping that by putting his all where other people can see it, my friends will encourage/ shout at / beat me into actually sticking with it.

I’m not really sure what I’ll be writing about yet. It’ll mostly be fiction, but during heavy work times at uni – especially between March and June – I might not have the time to come up with and write a fictional story, so I’m thinking I might write some short essays on whatever I’m studying at the time. Beyond that, the only thing I really know at the minute is that the first thing I plan on writing will be called “Where Am I?”

I’ve decided that I won’t be changing anything to something I’ve written after I’ve posted it on here (asides from spelling errors and stuff), but I do want criticism and suggestions on how to improve my writing. That way, at the end of the year, I’m hoping I’ll be able to look back and see how(/if) I’ve developed my skill. I’m going to be posting this blog to a few writing sites – specifically /r/Writing on Reddit, which is where I got this idea from in the first place – in order to get help from other writers.

So yeah, I think that about explains everything. Starting January 1st, I plan on posting something every two or three days, saying what I’m working on and such, perhaps interlaced with ramblings about my uni stuff, just so that everyone knows I am still working on it. Till then, I probably won’t be posting on here, so y’know, have a passable Christmas and get ready to start making a Hermit out of me in the New Year. I’m gonna go fiddle around with the settings on this blog to see if I can make it slightly less pink…